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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy


| Speaking Engagement
February 05, 2019

Ontario Bar Association Institute - Consultation, Consent & Shared Decision-Making

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, Richard Butler will be co-chairing the OBA Institute's Natural Resources/Energy Law and Aboriginal Law Sections Program titled: Consultation, Consent & Shared Decision-Making: Implications for Indigenous Peoples, Project Proponents and the Management of Natural Resources in Ontario.

Consultation, consent and shared decision‐making regarding energy projects and the management of natural resources are some of the most important issues facing Indigenous peoples, project proponents, governments and directly or indirectly every other person in Canada. Explore consultation, consent and shared decision‐making both as legal concepts and how they can be implemented in practice, including what has worked successfully – and what has not worked. Join us to learn about recent experiences and best practices regarding the duty to consult and free, prior informed consent (FPIC).

For more information and to register, click here.

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