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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy

IBAs and Other Resource Project Agreements


Energy and natural resource projects reap rewards for industry proponents and can provide Aboriginal communities with sustainable economic growth.

Through early and effective engagement and consultation with Aboriginal communities, Willms & Shier creates a positive negotiating environment, partnership and joint venture opportunities that benefit both the proponent and the Aboriginal community, and minimizes future project issues by managing relationships over the life of a project.

Willms & Shier negotiates and drafts:

  • Memoranda of Understanding—these set the stage for communication, future activities and agreement. We negotiate terms that respond to unique Aboriginal community and project needs.
  • Resource Agreements—these include impact benefit agreements, revenue sharing agreements, participation agreements and other types of agreement. These agreements contain terms for Aboriginal support of and participation in a project, create agreement implementation structures and include appropriate dispute resolution models.
  • Agreement Implementation Plans—these include adequate allowance for human and capital resources.

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