T: 416-862-4836 email JulieView full profile.
T: 613-761-2424 email CharlesView full profile.
T: 416-862-4837 email RichardView full profile.
T: 613-217-8521 email John View full profile.
T: 416-862-4825 email MatthewView full profile.
T: 416-862-4826 email JohnView full profile.
T: 416-862-4820 email MarcView full profile.
T: 416-862-4831 email CarlView full profile.
T: 416-642-4874 email AlessiaView full profile.
T: 416-642-4877 email KipView full profile.
T: 416-642-4876 email SydneyView full profile.
T: 416-862-4823 email AmandaView full profile.
T: 416-862-4829 email AnandView full profile.
T: 416-862-4828 email JacquelynView full profile.
T: 416-862-4835 email JenniferView full profile.
T: 416-862-4830 email JoannaView full profile.
T: 416-642-4873 email LaurenView full profile.
Environment • Aboriginal • Energy
On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, Richard Butler will be co-chairing and moderating at the 2018 Ontario Bar Association's Institute. Rich's program is titled: Hot Topics for Infrastructure and Development Projects: Avoiding Environmental Pitfalls and Mitigating Risks. This program will help you better understand how to identify and mitigate against common environmental pitfalls that arise in infrastructure and development projects. In addition, the presenters will address recent developments in the case law concerning contaminated lands that parties should be aware of to proactively address risk from the project’s start to finish. For more information on this program and to register, click here.