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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy


| Speaking Engagement
March 22, 2018

Eco-Canada Webinar - Mitigating Environmental Risks and Liabilities

On Thursday, March 22, 2018, Jacquelyn Stevens will be speaking in the
Eco-Canada Webinar: Mitigating Environmental Risks and Liabilities

Jacquie's presentation is titled: Environmental Liability and Consultant Blunders.

To mitigate environmental risks and liabilities, environmental professionals must have a thorough understanding of the laws, regulations and rules that define what they should and should not do.  Many common environmental professionals’ errors arise where they operate outside of their area of expertise, give “legal” advice, fail to understand the requisite standard of care or exacerbate environmental problems at a site.  Environmental professionals can be sued or prosecuted.  A finding of liability may mean paying a fine or damages, or even going to jail.

Jacquie’s presentation draws upon our environmental lawyers’ years of experience on matters where environmental professionals find themselves facing some, or all of Jacquie’s, top 8 environmental professionals’ blunders!

For more information on this webinar and to register, click here.

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