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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy


| Speaking Engagement
November 26, 2019

Bureau Veritas Laboratories - National Science Summit

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, Marc McAree, Richard Butler, Matthew Gardner, Alessia Petricone-Westwood, and Anand Srivastava will be presenting at the Bureau Veritas Laboratories - National Science Summit.

The Science Summit will take place at the Delta Hotels in Toronto, Ontario.  The Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers team will be running a 2 hour and 15 minute session (2:30 pm to 4:45 pm) titled: From Where, When and How Does Environmental Liability Arise & Just How Bad Can It Get?

Environmental liability comes in two flavors: regulatory liability and civil liability.  Knowing the legal distinction between regulatory and civil liability is critical to understanding from where, when and how environmental liability arises, and how best to mitigate risk.  Environmental consultants and contractors and their clients can and do unknowingly attract environmental liability and they often pay the consequences.  This session will provide a primer on environmental liability with focus on recent Court decisions.  And, the audience will have a chance to pose their toughest legal questions to the lawyers!

For more information on the summit and to register, click here.

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